Monday, September 23, 2013

ON Money and possessions

I loved this video.  I have been thinking about all the guns I have been selling lately and how possibly in a way they have become some God to me.  Hopefully they have become more of an investment or feeling of safety.  But they have become helpful to sell when we need a little extra cash.  I have had no problem departing with them but hopefully they haven't become part of my soul as anything shouldn't be except.

God & Family

Everything should be put in there proper place.  Since I love running and training my dogs, I find myself asking what is the correct amount of time?  How can I use them to bring joy to peoples lives and bring the gospel to people.

1.  I have helped many youth have an outdoor experience.  All animals are for the use of man if used properly.  In a way hunters and fisherman are held to a higher accountability because we do take a life, thus we should ingest that life within us to appreciate that life.  We can mount and display an animals essence to appreciate its beauty and the wonder of Gods creations.

2.  When going to dog trials, I want to act in accordance of the gospel to set an example.  I feel I fail in some respect but they know I don't run on Sundays.  Its because of this that some feel its unfair because I don't take my turn to judge or be an active part of the committee.

Its unfortunate that money becomes to important in our economic daily living.  I have often wondered if I could live in the United Order as my many of ancestors have.  I know I could.  Ang and I could give up everything right now and work to share everything.  Its easy to say huh!.  Actual reality would be harder.  But the great examples of those who have gone before can give us hope that it is possible.

Parenting Tips

I saw this through the boy scout blog and loved it.  7 tips for raising responsible kids

Boy Singing

had an opportunity to sing for the Silver Beaver award with my boys the star spangled banner.  open link below.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Joseph Smith: Critics

William McClellan was a apostate.  Once an apostle, he was one of the ruffians who had Heber C Kimball face down I believe to just prior to Liberty Jail (need to check this) and said something like "What do you think of your Mormon prophet now".  Heber C Kimball in essence bore his testimony of Joseph.  This link is an interesting read in that William McClellan  never could deny the validity of the book of mormon

This letter is also amazing from William Mclellan.  He had lost his testimony of Joseph but what he said about the truthfulness of the B of M and his testimony of it is amazing.

WE find that many of the apostates, even after loosing their testimonies, never deny the truthfulness of the book of mormon and many end up coming back.  Here is a running list

1.  Orson Hyde:  Lost faith soon after arriving back from his mission in England.   One reason was that of the Danite organization.  He felt Joseph sanctioned to much of their activities.  That, and other reasons, he testified against Joseph at the Richmond pretrial (just prior to liberty jail).  It was just a short time later when Joseph finally made it Nauvoo that he asked for forgiveness which Joseph gave.

2.  W W Phelps.  AFter being such a rock in the gospel, he and and JOhn Whitmer speculated on land in Far West which upset Joseph.  This lead to his eventual dismissal from the church.  He also came back later during the Nauvoo period which Joseph readily gave him membership back into the church with approval from the members.

3.  William McClellan.  Apostatized but never came back

4.  Lyman Wight.  WAs a very strong leader of the church up through the missouri period and part of Nauvoo (perhaps all of it, I'll check).   Got caught up in the the succession controversy and claimed that Joseph told him to take the Saints to Texas for safety. (check on authenticity).  he took a few but eventually joined the RLDS.

5.  Olivery Cowdery.  Apostatized .  Much can be said about him but he came back. (more on this later)

6.  Martin Harris.  same as Oliver Cowdery.

7.   David Whitmer.  SAme as Oliver and Martin  (research this more)

8.  John Corrill.  Help the church through the missouri period but ended up testifying against Joseph in Richmond.  Started his own church.  he never came back.  felt the saints didn't deserve the treatment they did.

9.  John Whitmer.  Apostatized and eventually joined the RLDS church.  Never denied his testimony of the book of Mormon.

10.  Reed Peck.  EArly member.  Wrote a short history of the saints during the missouri period.  Testified against Joseph in Richmond in 1839.  He also felt the saints were treated unjustly though.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Tom - Air Force man now.  Working on getting his passing MCAT.

Andrew Jack Heaton

Andy is an awesome  young man who is almost finishing up at BYU getting his masters and bachelors at the same time.  (is this right?).  info

Charlie, Michelle, Sophie

Charlie and Michelle are wonderful parents to our only grandchild Sophie.  She is so polite with a PLEASE, and THANK YOU.  They are moving to Houston semi - permanently for a while.  Now there is an oxymoron for you.  Charly is Leaving Monday and Michelle will follow behind with Sophie September 28th.

They also desire to be good people and serve the Lord.   Ang and I love this about them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Elder Heaton


 Yep. My month mark has passed by so quickly! Time flies when you're having fun spreading the gospel! This Week was a little slow. We haven't got much referrals from people and tracting is at 0% success so far. Jessicas about to have her baby boy so her baptism was moved to sometime in Dec. I can't remember if I wrote anything about Toni Filliger in previous letters. She's about 60-65ish Years old and she has been Diagnosed with cancer. She has the bad habit of Smoking, but nonetheless she is an amazing person. She reads everything we ask her to read so carefully so she can get the message. She thinks Jesus is black... But that really isn't important in the long run. She was an investigator that was investigating before I came and she was going to be baptized on the 23rd but wasn't ready. And now she's going into surgery next week so she probably won't be ready until Dec. like Jessica. We were able to give her a blessing of healing and comfort for her surgery. I was able to use my oil (that I keep with me always!) and do the anointing. Bro McCombs (the Ward Mission Leader) did the sealing and the blessing and did an awesome job. Blessings are amazing things. Tonis faith is so strong, but she doesn't understand how there can only be one church that is the right church. She interprets the scriptures of saying that Anybody that doesn't know or believe in Christ is condemned and never will be able to receive the gospel. She interprets that into, anyone outside of a single true church (our church) is condemned and she doesn't think that's right. She's really awesome tho. Shes a really deep thinker.
 Me and Elder Lohan are figuring out our differences the longer we stay together. He's very emotional and dramatic about certain things that really don't matter to me and I don't understand some of the things he thinks. But I wont get into details. He's an amazing person who has accomplished a LOT of things in his life.
 I'm starting to gain some weight... :( But we are also thinking about going running (but that's not going to happen...). Anyways.
 Thanks for all your emails! It's so nice to hear from you all! See you later!
-Elder Heaton


 This week was a little slow with the work. We were able to teach Jessica a couple more lessons though! She's 8 months pregnant too so she just started having some contractions and had to miss Church on doctors orders. But, she is still really strong and she has one of the biggest testimonies I've ever seen and she's not even a Member! (Yet).
   There's a less active member named Bill Kelly who has really taken a liking to me I guess haha. He has a little bit of psychological struggles and has mood swings regularly but I've learned to love him. He always brings over treats to each and takes us to get ice cream after a hard days work. He's an amazing man! He just has some struggles. He's very generous and he always drives us to places we are going. He's really funny. He's going through a really hard time right now with some emotional things. The human mind is an interesting thing.
  Elder Lohan and I are getting along pretty well! We've had a little disagreement on some things but as we express our feelings on different things to each other, it makes us better friends. He says I'm one of the easiest missionaries he's ever trained! He's had 4 "sons" (trainees). He's my mission dad and his trainer is my Grandpa. haha It's really funny how they relate trainers and trainees with posterity. But, over all we are becoming really good friends.
   Well, not much to talk about this week. Sorry! But keep on praying, reading, and going to church! Always look for opportunities to serve each other and others as well. Love you all! See you real soon! ;)
-Elder Heaton V
P.S. Mikey!!! I want to hear from you! I forgot your email otherwise I would just email you. Let me know how things are going. School, Magic, friends, girls, anything!

Will be putting Elder Heatons letters here

September 4, 2013
Hi everyone! (ya mom if you could send my emails to everyone that would be awesome!) 
    It's so great to be able to talk to you over email FINALLY! I sent a letter some time last week but I don't know if you guys got it. I'm not used to sending hand written letters yet I guess... Anyways so just in case I'll write a little bit about what I said in that letter. So when I entered they had me go with my host missionary to get my books and then to the bus where he left me to go to west campus which is part of wy view (Y-View?) and just north of Tom and Mckays old apartment. I sent some pictures of our District. In Image#1107, that's me on the far left and then my companion, Elder Zeman (Z-man), poking his head out behind me and Elder Campbell. Then in the front in the black shirt is Sister Carvalho (Carvalio) and in the center is Sister Perelman (pearl-man she's russian Mike! She's pretty fluent, but has no accent because she grew up in California) and then on the right of Sister Perelman is Sister Tureson in the light blue shirt, who I was actually able to give a blessing of comfort for her back. Then our Teacher Sister Pack is on the very right. In the back is Sister Becraft in the red and then Elder Sainsbury is in the back between Sister Carvalho and Sister Perelman. They're all so wonderful and fun loving. We all get along great and our testimonies are so strong when we're together! 
    My Companion Elder Zeman comes from a difficult life back in California. I'm really glad he is here with me tho! He has a hard time talking so while we teach our role-play Progressive investigators, I feel like I dominate the lesson and don't really give him enough chances to talk. He really wants to do better with teaching by the spirit and I think that's great! He's doing so well!
    This is kinda how our days go: Wake up at 6:00 take showers, at 7:00 we have study time for 30 minutes, breakfast at 7:30, Zone teaching till 8;45, then we have classroom study for 3 hours until 11:45, then additional study time for 35 minutes, then lunch followed by some more additional study time until 1:35, the gym time (our gym is just in our parking lot... :( it's kinda boring, I usually take Elder Zeman and practice piano while he sleeps or studies because I'm the piano player for sacrament meeting and priesthood) after gym, it's some more personal study until 4:20 where we have our TRC Progressive Investigator appointment and we teach for 20 minutes and then go back to class and review, then we have dinner at 5:20, and then classroom study for 3 more hours. But, the days aren't all in that order. There usually is that much study time though. Then we go to bed and do it all again! It really makes me grateful for P-day (today wednesday). We went to the temple and did endowments and then we came home for email! 
   So on Wed. last week we all heard Branch President Gerke (Liz Gerkes Dad) was going to call a District Leader and I wrote in my journal that night feeling like is was going to be me. So on Friday we had a meeting and one of Pres. Gerkes Counselors Brother Hobson gave me and interview and asked me if I'd be the district leader! So I said yes. Day 2 and already so much responsibility! Piano, District Leader and all the responsibility that comes with that has really kept me on my toes!
   On Sunday, there was a devotional film by Elder Bednar called "Character of Christ". It was AMAZING. Elder Bednar really puts it into perspective on how important our message is and how important Christ is in our lives and how we should keep striving to have Christlike Attributes in our personality. I challenge you family, to sit down and watch it on sunday night. You don't have to take notes (although I really think you should :) but if you have an extra hour that night and really listen to his words. It should be on
    Thanks family! For the box of PJs and mints, and thanks for the emails! It was so nice to get on today and see so many emails! We leave on monday at 8:40 in the morning. I might be able to call that morning around 6:00 to 7:30 hopefully before the kids get to school. So just the heads up! 
    See you real soon!

-Elder Heaton V

GSP Dogs

Belle just had pups.  So cute.  About half are taken so far.  

Missionary Preparation

President Steve Albrecht gave a wonderful talk at Stake Priesthood meeting last Sunday morning.  It was fun to attend with Mike.  Poor kid, its just me and him (as far as sons go)  until he graduates.   Pres.  Albrecht just returned from Tokyo Japan as a mission president.  He was the Stake President while I was  in the singles ward bishopric.

Here is a copy of his talk he willingly sent me.  I have a lot of respect for his accomplishments.  One of the best I have heard on preparation.


1.  I would like to add to the "Fabulous 5" about 75% of the way down.  "Family service,  Family Church attendance, and Family REc"  So it would be the "Exciting Eight" instead of the Fabulous Five

2.  The very top missionary prep item I would make is "Develop a service oriented attitude".   Oops, I see it in his # 9.  Sorry.  This is key to developing Charity to your fellowman.

Preparing Young Men and Women for Missions

I have been asked today to talk about preparing young men for missions.  I want you to know that I love missionary work and ours is a missionary family.    All six of our children served missions and my wife served as an MTC missionary for 12 years.     During our three years serving in Japan, we worked with approximately 500 missionaries.  Serving a mission is the greatest opportunity a young man or woman can have.  A mission served well becomes a defining event in the life of the missionary.  I will always be grateful I served a mission as a young man.  My mission changed everything for me.  It changed my perspective about marriage, about family, about education, about work, about the gospel and about life.  If I had to make a choice about whether my children went to college or served a mission, I would encourage them to serve a mission.  I am convinced that missions prepare young people for life better than anything else they can do.  As a missionary, you not only serve the Lord but you learn valuable life skills.  You learn to budget, how to get along with people, leadership skills, organization skills, how to talk to and communicate with people, how to work hard, how to set and accomplish goals and many other important life skills.  Having been a dean in the BYU business school and worked with many corporate recruiters, I know these are the skills they are looking for when they hire young people.  I would strongly encourage each of you, young and old to serve.  You will love your missions.  You older members, every mission needs more senior couples.  You are an amazing blessing to a mission president.

Not all missionaries are equally prepared when they enter the mission field.  Some are better prepared, have stronger testimonies, have a stronger work ethic and are more ready to serve than other.  These kinds of missionaries enter the mission field on the run and see miracles right away.  Let me tell you about four of them.

  1. Tell about Elder Beazer—baptized the first person he saw; his family joined the church.
  2. Tell about Elder Kretley from Brazil—developed a new area and created a branch with 30 people attending
  3. Elder Einfeldt and his companion who took a small branch from 12 active members to 35 active members in three transfers.
  4. Elder Shimizu from Japan—had thirty baptismal dates when the earthquake struck; was evacuated to the Kobe mission and had 20 baptismal dates there before he came back to our mission.  The mission president of that mission wouldn’t let me bring him back to our mission after the earthquake.

In thinking about how to prepare young men and women to be well prepared missionaries, I think there are things both young people and parents need to do.  Let me share some ideas with you about both:

20 Things Young Men Can do to Prepare for Missions

1. Strive to develop a strong testimony--read the B. of M. and have sincere prayer with Heavenly Father every day.   As you get closer to going on your mission, read and study Preach My Gospel every day.  As a missionary, you will need to rely on and have personal conversations with Heavenly Father.  Learn how to do that before you come on a mission.

2. Missionaries who know how to work hard are the best missionaries.  Missionaries who have never had a job, who have never had a coach who told them to work harder or run faster or a piano teacher who told them to practice more or who have never lived away from home tend to have more difficulty on missions than others.  Hard work is the greatest attribute of a good missionary.   I loved getting missionaries who were raised on a farm, who had participated in high school athletics, or who was an accomplished musician.  I knew these missionaries would be disciplined.

3. Don't waste time playing computer or video games or watching too much television.  In my initial interview, when a missionary told me his hobby was playing video games, I knew he or she may have difficulty on his mission.

4. Keep a clean driving record.  We can't call anyone as a driving leader of the missionaries who doesn't have a clean driving record. 

5.  Don't put things on social networking sites such as Facebook that will cause conflict if people were to Google your name. Utilize technology but DO NOT abuse the technology available to you.   Being smart with Facebook will not only help you on your mission but every corporation has dedicated employees who search Facebook entries of all new potential employees.  Firms now hire for attitude (based on information found on Facebook and other places) and then train for skills. 

6.  Learn how to get along with people.   Learn how to forget and forgive and to work together with others.   Getting along with people, especially your companion is extremely important for missionaries.  Learn to control your anger.  You can’t have the spirit if you and your companion aren’t getting along.

7. Stand up for what is right with your friends and always be a great example no matter how difficult.  You will need to stand up and be different as a missionary and learning how to do that now is a great attribute. 

8. Don't get into any bad habits such as looking at inappropriate web sites, pornography, swearing, personal abuse, etc.  Missionaries who have those issues present serious problems for mission presidents because it is difficult for them to have the Spirit and you can’t convert without the Spirit.  Keep yourself clean in every respect. If you have any issues at all, resolve them completely with the Bishop or other Priesthood leader before you leave.  You’ll want to be completely clean as you enter the MTC.  Belated confessions of pre-mission problems cause tremendous heartache for both the missionary and the mission president.

9. Learn to help and serve other people.  When your parents, ward or your quorum asks for volunteers, be the first person to raise your hand.  You will learn an attitude of service that is really important for missionaries. We truly loved and appreciated those missionaries who, after we fed them a meal, came to the kitchen and helped clean up.

10. Study a foreign language and get good grades in school.  Knowing a foreign language and getting good grades doesn't necessarily mean you will go on a foreign mission but it gives the Church leaders additional options where they can send you.

11. Do all you can to develop leadership skills.  On your missionary application, every bishop ranks the missionary candidate’s leadership skills on a scale from 1 to 5.  You need to come into the mission field with the reputation, training and experience of being a leader. 

12. Develop a broad range of interests--music, sports, outdoors, etc.  The more well-rounded you are, the better you can get along with everyone, including the people you will talk to on the streets, the members, and the people you teach. You can also use these talents in your missionary work.

13. Keep yourself healthy and be involved in regular exercise.  We had a few missionaries who were always sick, or so it seemed.  They got everything.  They were the ones who didn't exercise much.  They didn't eat healthily.  Good health is really important for a missionary. 

14. Learn to have a positive attitude.  Be happy.  Everyone has rough days.  Don't get depressed.  Missionaries with depression problems represent one of the biggest issues facing mission presidents.  During our mission, we had to send several missionaries home prematurely because of depression issues.  

15. Learn to be obedient to the Lord and your parents.  Missionaries must be able to keep even the smallest rules.  True obedience and righteousness brings miracles.  Missionaries who go the first mile are missionaries.  Missionaries who go the second mile are missionaries of faith.  Missionaries who go the third mile are missionaries who see miracles. 

16. Learn to love other people.  When love becomes your motivation, everything changes and has meaning.   Learn to love the Lord and serve a mission because you love Him.  If you love the Lord, you will learn to love the people you work with.  When you love the people, you will see miracles. 

17. Graduate from seminary, become an Eagle Scout, and earn your Duty to God Award.  The discipline and skills you learn through these activities will help you be a better missionary.

18. Get used to short, groomed hair and looking clean.  Your dress should be conservative and appropriate so you don’t have to change your dress or grooming standards when you become a missionary.  Missionaries who wear inappropriate clothing or who aren’t well groomed as teenagers often have difficulty dressing  and feeling comfortable looking appropriate as missionaries.  Dress and look like the prophet and you will never go astray.

19. Use good manners.  Too many missionaries don’t know how to use good manners when eating with members and investigators.  They don’t look people in the eye when talking with them and they don’t smile enough.  Learn to speak up and be proactive when talking with people.  Missionaries must always look and act sharp.   When talking with someone on the street or at their door, who you are and how you look and represent yourself is as important, or even more important, than what you say. 

20. Learn how to keep your room and home clean.  Missionaries who are used to having messy rooms often have messy missionary apartments.  Messy apartments make it difficult to have good companionship unity and to feel the Spirit.  Dirty apartments even invite various kinds of sicknesses.  Being clean and neat is really important.

Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Prepare for Missions

Now let me share five things I think we as parents can do to help our children prepare for missions and, really, to be successful in life.

  1. Be fathers and mothers who work hard, try to be successful in your roles and who serve Heavenly Father willingly and wherever asked.  The models of a good father and mother who have strong faith, who work hard and who show their children what is important by example is extremely important.  
  2. Create the right expectations about missions, educations, church activities, etc.  In your homes, it should never be “if you go on a mission” but instead “when you go on a mission.”  It should not be “if you go to college” but “when you go to college.”  It should not be fine to “just do okay in school” but instead young people should be expected to “do their best in school.”  Expectations are extremely powerful and having the right expectations in a family is critical.  I will always remember what Pres. Joseph McKonkie said in a talk in our stake.  He said and I quote, “my father told us we could go to church willingly or unwilling but we were going to church.  That was the expectation in our home.”
  3. Spend time with your children.  There is no better way to show you love and care for your children and to help them be strong in the Gospel than to spend time with them.  As my wife always says, quality time is quantity time.  The hours you spend attending their activities, playing and working with them and taking vacations together are extremely important.  It is during this time spent together that you teach your children to be ambitious and to work hard and that you help them gain testimonies.  It is this time spent together that allows you to build strong relationships with each of your children so they will want to make you happy.  
  4. Use technology appropriately in your family.  While technology is a great tool, it can be easily abused and can cause tremendous problems in a family and with children.  If children spend too much time playing video games, looking at internet sites, watching television, etc. they are not only subjecting themselves to various kinds of temptations but they are also wasting valuable time when they could be developing their minds and bodies, creating relationships, learning how to work and deal with people and learning life skills.  I am a firm believer that Satan wants us to live in a virtual world and not use our bodies and five physical senses.  If he can get us to live virtually, we are doing what he has to do all the time because he will never have a body.  I would encourage you to put your computers and telephones in public places in the homes so that they are accessible and visible by everyone and where secluded use is not possible.
  5. Live the gospel to the fullest.  This means following the prophet’s admonition to have weekly family home evenings, have daily family prayer, read the scriptures together, attend church every week, don’t criticize church leaders and be committed to the Gospel in every way.  I asked some parents of 9 children who I highly respect why they have such successful children who are dedicated to the gospel why they have been so successful.  Here is their response:  “It’s not over yet and we are still trying hard but I think, however, if I had to pinpoint why our kids have been successful and happy it would be consistency in the little everyday things--our fabulous five as we call night, family prayer, family scripture study, family council, and family meal time.”   We also think that another thing that has helped us in our family is  that "our family" is our life, it is not something we hurry and get done or do so we can go do what we want....our family is our life.   I don't think our children have ever wondered what we love most.  This fabulous 5 represents great activities to help your children gain strong testimonies of the Gospel.  It is important to be faithful and to follow our leaders’ counsel.  

The Gospel is true but it is much more than that.  It is the plan of happiness.  There are two kinds of worship—public and private.  Public worship is attending church, doing home and visiting teaching and even attending the temple.  Private worship is the worship no one outside your family sees—family prayer, FHE, scripture study, acts of service, etc.  I am convinced it is this private worship that makes a huge difference in the lives of children and helps them gain strong testimonies and a desire to serve the Lord.

Let me close by telling you a couple of quick stories.  First, I want to tell you about a missionary who served with us in Japan.  (Tell about Sis. W. who lacked a testimony.)  In the end she got a very strong testimony but it took her more than six months to get it and in the process cost her and her companion to waste serious mission time.  I love this sister.  I fasted with her many times.  But she could have been much better prepared.

Finally, one of my greatest joys as a mission president was interviewing returning missionaries just before they went home.  Every single returning missionary I interviewed got emotional about expressing his or her love for their mission.  All of them wished they could have stayed longer.  All of them were great missionaries who loved the Lord and worked hard.  It just took more time and effort to get some of them to this point.  Every one of them would have traded places with the new missionaries who were arriving as they were leaving.  (Maybe tell about shoes.)  

Missionaries who are prepared are a great blessing to their mission president.  I could tell from reading a new missionary’s application how prepared he or she was when they entered the mission field.  Missionary work is God’s work.  As the sons of Mosiah taught in Alma 17, or Nephi and Lehi taught in Helaman or Alma and Amulek taught, missionaries are instruments in the hands of the Lord to bring salvation to his children.  We agreed in the pre-existence to be partners with God in bringing immortality and eternal life to His children.  Serving a full-time mission is the best way we can fulfill our partnership responsibility.  There is no more important work.  I pray that you young people and older people will have a desire to serve.

Bear testimony.
  • Gospel is true
  • Gospel is plan of happiness
  • Gospel makes everyone happier and brings peace and contentment into our lives
  • Joseph Smith was a prophet; Thomas Monson is a prophet
  • Jesus atoned for our sins and is our Savior and mediator with the Father
  • Heavenly Father loves us

Jesse N Smith/ General information

I sent these questions to Menlo Smith, president of the Jessie N. Smith Foundation and he responded thus.

Brother Menlo Smith

Having just completed his Journal of which of which I am greatly moved, I will have dozens of questions.

I want to put forth a power point presentation of his life and experiences.  Perhaps someone has already done this or even a video history.  If you are aware, please let me know. Not aware of any. Would love to see what you do.

There is wonderful information to be gleaned from the "Kinsman" which I now see is posted as well the family website.

1.  There was a 100 year anniversary book made for "Snowflake".  Are there copies still available?  Where can I peruse one?  Perhaps I can see if Richard Smith has one. Unaware of any available copies. Richard Smith would be a good place to start. The Snowflake Heritage Foundation would surely have a copy. Unfortunately I don't have contact info. You could get that from Becky Gibson

2.  Has anyone currently have any video, or power point presentations, or otherwise made of Jessie N Smith? See above.

3.  Did Great Grandma Janet keep a journal?  or has anyone written a history. Unaware of such.

4.  Is there a structure in Snowflake still up that Jessie N occupied?  I see he never did live in the family home which was completed the same year he passed away.  It's myunderstanding that he did live for a short time  in the home he built in Snowflake that is still standing and serves as a museum. If any of the earlier structures he built as homes are still standing I'm unaware of them.

5.  ARe there anymore Smith family gatherings? None planned that i'm aware of.

Were going to have a special 179th birthday celebration for Jessie N December 2nd.  If your going to be around we would love to have you attend.  We will probably ask Richard as well.  Where will it be?

Thank you for leading the way for our family not to forget these wonderful people.

Shaun Heaton



Dear Shine

Shame on me for taking so long to Blog.  Much has happened.  Yesterday I taught Em's class on Left Side/Right Side and becoming more like the Savior.  I felt the spirit and the kids seem to respond well.  Roman, whom we have been fellowshipping came to class, was there as well.   We love Roman and appreciate some of the challenges he and his family are going through.  Went to Visit Brother Burke last evening at Stone Henge.  HE is a good soul and we hope he can get out soon.  He looks better.  Roman came with us as they are neighbors.

AFterward we came home and watched for Sunday night FHE, The story of Emma Smith.   It was well done and Em and MIke have never seen it before.  I stopped the movie several times of course to expound my much needed wisdom.  They were fascinating by the polygamy factor of Joseph and Emma.  They really never understood that Joseph and had 30 plus wives and I would rather have me as a parent tell them whom they can trust than an anti-mormon.

I played racquetball this morning and Angie Hill smacked me in the upper nose accidentally with her racquet.  It was my fault as I ran into the racquet.  She sure felt bad but assured her is my mistake.  I"m going in a few minutes to get stitches.

Conference was wonderful a few weeks ago.  One of the best ever.  I did go Duck hunting with Dave Stanworth and POrter and my brother Dale.  Worked all night putting up dekes and shuttling people.   I was so tired and worn out.  It was good for me though.  

I have been working hard on Jesse N's Power POint presentation for Dec 2nd.  I was supposed to go down to Arizona for the Board meeting they invited me to but Joseph Fielding McConkie passed away in our Ward and went to that instead.  It was a very hard decision.  I met Apostle Elder Ballard.  When I mentioned I was a descendent of Jesse N's and Alma and Israel Heatons nephew, he was delighted.

Got to get some stitches so I will catch up later.



AFter my usuall morning racquetball, ran errands and then took the dogs out training.  First time Belle has been out in awhile.  She was so sore when we got home.  She was walking very tenderly.

Pups are sure getting cuter and cuter.


Gave powerpoint presentation for sunday school class on the Bldg up of Nauvoo.  i wont do it every time but it was fun and the kids seem to respond.

I bore my testimony and share a Jessie N smith experience.  Sister Ford came up afterward and complimented me and said thanks for getting us going with the missionary zeal.

Michelle and Sophie are staying with us a few days.  they fly out Tuesday to meet up with Charlie in HOuston.  We have so enjoyed having them here.  Sophie really loves the puppies.


Took a family out huting for there very first time.  It was a special program for the fish and game.  Help little 9 year old Blair shoot her first pheasant.  She was so happy.  Earlier she was crying because she missed an easy one and dad got on her a bit.

Also helped the Son Braxton as well.

Very nice family.

Andy brought over some college class friends that evening and spent about 1.5 hours discussing my business.  I think I gave way more info than they wanted.

09.27/13   Took Sherwin williams group out hunting.   Very frustrating.  Snowed a wet sleet snow and then wind blew. Shut the birds and the dogs down.  It was a real bummer.

For angie's and I date we stayed and watch Once upon a time series.


Went to Randall Ellsworth wedding reception.  He found a beautiful wife.  hopefully my 3 boys will get going on the dating thing and marriage thing soon.

Had our first ever Parents meeting for Band.  Had about 15 parents support the cause.


Enjoyed the boys or scouts.  They planned a meal for the parents were going to have in a month.


Had a fun day taking my Dad out plinking with guns.  Paul Allen used my membership to get into wasatch wing and clay.  It was enjoyable being with Dad seeing him shoot his old 22.


Here is my first official "diary" type blog post.  Had a great day with Tim Larsen grouse hunting.   The man knows how to hunt although I did luck out and get 2 and he got a goose egg.   Just wasn't his day. Not that he missed, they were all hiding somewhere  up there.  Walt and Daisy sure worked hard.  I bet they ran 15 miles today.   They were pooped.

We stopped and had a midafternoon lunch at Daniels summit lodge.   Tim sure enjoyed his mushroom hamburger.  

Had a great chat about stuff, just plain man stuff.  WE both agree about how "downhill" our government is going.  Especially in regards to fiscal responsibility.  I suggested that our politican pay and benefits be tied to what the average salary of the common worker in America.  When the common workers does better than our legislatures get a raise, when it goes down, theirs down.  Instead they get to give themselves raises and a great pension and health benefits for life while the common man suffers.  Someday, they will get their come uppance.

Tim did pay me a nice compliment which made me feel good.  He's looking forward to going Caribou Hunting next week in Canada.  I was supposed to go with the group but changed to save some money to take care of the "tax" bill were going to get undeservedly.


had a great time yesterday working with Charlie trimming his tree just east of his house in Provo.  It was a little dangerous but fun to work with my son.  We had to be careful working next to the neighborss because one of the big tree branches fell down and bounced over towards the next door house and if Charlie hadn't been smart enough to put a ladder to block it, it may have broken a window or put a good hole in the siding.  We just looked at each other with a WOW look.

Had 11 year old scouts and we discussed Cyberbullying and the Buddy System.  We have 2 new boys, Sean Hill and Seth Kuhni.  Great boys.  My feelings are tender toward SEth because he has Cycstic Fibrosis but wants to be treated like the other boys.  It may have made him a little quite and reserved.  I will never forget Elder Packer on my mission who had Cystic Fibrosis who passed away just after his mission but he wanted to go.  He wanted to serve the Lord.

THis morning played my usual racquetball land glad I finally am getting out of a slump.  I have figured out a some new levels of play.    Had breakfast with Jay and Rick Britton.  Talked hunting and NTWF banquet.  Rick came over afterward and we talked shop for another hour or so.

Had lunch with Mom and Dad.   Mom made yummy soup and a tomato sandwich.  It was so so good.

Did some bids today as well.  Anxious to jump back in and study and share learning about Jessie N Smith and the Missouri persecution period.

ALSO.  found this video of me and my boys singing. the Star Spangled Banner at last Saturdays Silver Beaver Award Ceremony.



on 09/20 Took Bret, Gary, Gary, Mike out shooting quail and chukar at WW&C.  Of course, I'm not hunting the birds but using my dogs.  These guys are great shots and are very kind.  Paid me to much tip so I took them out to lunch the at Seans Barbecue.  The only downside is that Walt and Mick (son,father) are not getting along and haven't been for sometime.  But, I wanted to get Mick out and get some exercise.  I let Mick and Diasy hunt first and then put Mick away and hunted with Walt and Daisy.  Mick somehow got out and they immediately went after each other.  Fortunately I was right there and stopped it with the guys help.  I have been dealing with this for sometime now and although I love these dogs, i cant have this.

Went on a date with Angie.  Ate at a mexican restaurant and then went to go see "Austenland".  Cute.


Gave pups there first non "belle" meal with warm water soaked up dog food.   Not sure at first what solid food was but got the hang of it.

Helped Son Charlie move his stuff to a storage unit in the afternoon.  Andy, Tom, McKay, and friend Trent showed up with Em and Mike and Ang.  They have a great opportunity to work in Houston with my Nephew Mark..  They will do well.

09/22  I sure enjoy teaching the 11/12 year olds.  They are so attentive.  We discussed Liberty jail and the spirit was in attendance.  in fact, jacob, after the lesson was over said. Thanks Bro Heaton for a great lesson.  It made me feel good.  Its amazing how we still like to hear from these awesome young people that we respect them so much that a compliment even though less experienced means something.  "and a little child shall lead them" AND "out of small things, great things will happen.

had everyone over for sunday evening dinner as usual.  Really enjoyed Dad and mom telling stories of there growing up.  Dad shared his "hill cumorah pageant" funny and his "shooting the cougar" funny.  Mom told about growing up on the farm and driving the tractor through a fence because she didn't know how to stop it.  She thought grandpa was going to give her a whipping but he was nice about it.  Dad told about a girl she was dating right before she married mom but couldn't go through with it because she had such bad breath.  I hadn't heard that before.

Dad told about driving a team of horses from kanab to Alton as only a 7 year old with Andy Gibbons being 5 years old.  You do that now days, they throw you jail for that.  Then to top it all off, they had picked up a hitch hiker.  Dad said it was a 45 miles.  I have closer to 40 but still.  That would take ALL day and possibly even then some.

09/23  Today.  Should report on our honey sales.  had a poor honey crop again this year but thank good ness for wholesaling it, it helps.  I have bought quite a bit from Roger Stevenson from Delta.   I dont think I will buy more bees until we get more rains going. But thats tough as well.  You just never know.

Played racquetball this morning.  Looking forward to do more religious and ancestral journals research.

Mom (Esther). In regards to her birthday

had a tremendous experience celebrating Moms 85th Bday last Saturday.  It was touching to see her and Uncle Ted Love each other.  What great stalwarts in the gospel.  So many cousins came.

David and John Bowers and spouses
Uncle Ted, Norma, Kay and wife, Elly
Desiree and few of her great kids
Ken and Melauna
Many 2nd and 1 and 2nd cousins removed i didn't even recognize.
Aunt Marges kids,  Julie and husband, Craig, Kelly.
Of course all the usual family
I"m sure Im missing a few.

There are only 4 "smiths" left.  Jan and Laverne were unable to attend.

What a celebration for Moms life.  Love you Mom.  Looking forward to 90th

Des sent this letter
Dear Aunt Esther:
Don't know when you will be checking our your e-mails but wanted you to know how much we enjoyed seeing you and your wonderful family last night.  Thank you for holding up so well through it all.  Hope you have recouperated.  I want to thank all of your children for inviting us.  We will look forward to our next time together!  Until then, may God's greatest blessings come your way.   Love, Desiree

post script.  I'm so impressed with how Robin and Des have loved Lauren.   What a great lesson in perseverance, love, charity, and enduring to the end.  I hope I would have done the same with a "love" child.  (you know what I mean).  Many wonderful blessings to this family for how they have taken in "one of the least of these".  What a great treasure to realize the joy in heaven with a reunion and Lauren will say "thanks mom and dad, let me show you to your glorious mansions on high." 


AFter we got done with the bees, we took the big black trailer and helped Sister Hullinger.  It was a money making proposition to help McKay with school expenses since he just quit his job at Brick Oven.  It was good to work together as a family as Angie, Em, Mike, and Dan also was there working together.

Honey Bees

Charly and I took off honey yesterday.  I feel like the boy who has stubbed his toe.  WE got so little honey.  About 28 supers.  I remember days when I would get 80-100 supers and some even a little more.  The positive side, I so enjoyed working with Charly and he and I worked so well together.  It was like  a breath of air.  He spoke positively of one of his brothers when he knew I was discouraged.  He commented "What would Tommy say about the situation?"

Thank goodness we did get any REd Honey.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Liberty Jail/ ?'s and lessons on Perseverance and "Enduring to the End"

LIBERTY JAIL.   Headwork Questions.  SEe how many of these that can be answered.  Also, come up of some of your own.  Then it would be fascinating to have you share what lessons were learned from this experience that we can apply to our lives.

SETUP:   I look at the Missouri experience in 2 phases.  A. Jackson County (1831-1833)  B.  Caldwell County (Far West 1833-1839).  The arrest of Joseph and others Nov 1, 1938 signaled the closeout of the latter period and the 3 month "Mormon War" - just prior to the Nauvoo period.

1.  Who was the former active Mormon leader and Mormon "Benedict Arnold" that betrayed Joseph and others which eventually led to their capture in Far West?  (possibly 2 answers)

2.  Name the 5 men who were captured in the betrayal?

3.  Which  2 of the 5 men later started their own churches after the succession crisis (after Josephs death 5 years later)?

4.  What other 2 of the 5 men later were Martyred for the cause of the true Lords church.  One of these men  was called the "Apostle Paul of Mormonism" and is the great great grandfather to Mitt Romney?

5.  After the 5 were captured, there was a secret and illegal trial in that there was an immediate midnight sentence of execution conducted by General Samuel  in the Morning

6.  When Joseph Rebuked the Guards in his "SILENCE, ye fiends of the infernal pit" scathing, where did this happen and what were the circumstances?

7.  Who Said "Sir:-- You will take Joseph Smith and the other prisoners into the public square at Far West, and shoot them at 9 o-clock tomorrow morning."?

7.5  After these 5 were captured, Mormon men hurried to warn the others at Far West to flee.  2 were captured.  Who were they?  

8.  And who replied, "It is cold-blooded murder. I will not obey your order. My brigade shall march for Liberty [township] tomorrow morning at 8 0'clock; and if you execute these men, I will hold you responsible before an earthly tribunal, so help me God."?

9.  The townspeople of Liberty all gathered like some circus to see the Mormon Prophet.  The reports they heard about him were fluffed and exaggerated.  Once they saw him, they were surprised at what?

10.  Upon entering the Liberty Jail, What was Josephs classic remark to the Crowd?

11.  Joseph Smith was over 6 feet tall.  How tall was the basement prison at Liberty jail?

12.  There were times upon being fed in Liberty Jail, the brethren got violently sick and almost died.  What caused this?

13.   Who were the men who ended up in Liberty Jail (not all the same 5 as were first captured)?

14.  What were the factors that helped them survive?  (this is open to discussion but there were some very interesting less well known facts)

15.  Some Mormons called Liberty The "________ _________" because of the revelations that were given during this time.

16.  What D&C revelations were giving during this time period?  

Questions still wanting to know:

1.  Did Joseph and others willingly surrender to General Samuel Lucas, or was he tricked and captured?  I have read both ways but I tend to believe that on Nov 1st, 1838 he was tricked by George Hinkle being told that Samuel Lucas wanted to work out a truce with the Mormons so 5 brethren went with him to discuss this but then was captured with the intent to execute them.  Governor Boggs had just given his extermination order so killing a mormon would have been OK in there eyes.

Jeffry R Holland.  Titled, the Lessons from Liberty.

Parly P Pratt.

George W. Robinson.

Lyman Wight

Mormon War

Alexander Doniphan

Missouri Conflict:

Des News

George Hinkle

Liberty Jail

Amasa Lyman

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jesse N Smith/ Happy Birthday Event


Please put December 2nd on your Calendar.  Monday night for FHE.    WE are going to have a special 179th year birthday party for him and share uplifting information about his life.  Location will be somewhere in Orem

Jokes G Rated

Why do missionaries cross their legs?   They only get one PDay a week.