LIBERTY JAIL. Headwork Questions. SEe how many of these that can be answered. Also, come up of some of your own. Then it would be fascinating to have you share what lessons were learned from this experience that we can apply to our lives.
SETUP: I look at the Missouri experience in 2 phases. A. Jackson County (1831-1833) B. Caldwell County (Far West 1833-1839). The arrest of Joseph and others Nov 1, 1938 signaled the closeout of the latter period and the 3 month "Mormon War" - just prior to the Nauvoo period.
1. Who was the former active Mormon leader and Mormon "Benedict Arnold" that betrayed Joseph and others which eventually led to their capture in Far West? (possibly 2 answers)
2. Name the 5 men who were captured in the betrayal?
3. Which 2 of the 5 men later started their own churches after the succession crisis (after Josephs death 5 years later)?
4. What other 2 of the 5 men later were Martyred for the cause of the true Lords church. One of these men was called the "Apostle Paul of Mormonism" and is the great great grandfather to Mitt Romney?
5. After the 5 were captured, there was a secret and illegal trial in that there was an immediate midnight sentence of execution conducted by General Samuel in the Morning
6. When Joseph Rebuked the Guards in his "SILENCE, ye fiends of the infernal pit" scathing, where did this happen and what were the circumstances?
7. Who Said "Sir:-- You will take Joseph Smith and the other prisoners into the public square at Far West, and shoot them at 9 o-clock tomorrow morning."?
7.5 After these 5 were captured, Mormon men hurried to warn the others at Far West to flee. 2 were captured. Who were they?
8. And who replied, "It is cold-blooded murder. I will not obey your order. My brigade shall march for Liberty [township] tomorrow morning at 8 0'clock; and if you execute these men, I will hold you responsible before an earthly tribunal, so help me God."?
9. The townspeople of Liberty all gathered like some circus to see the Mormon Prophet. The reports they heard about him were fluffed and exaggerated. Once they saw him, they were surprised at what?
10. Upon entering the Liberty Jail, What was Josephs classic remark to the Crowd?
11. Joseph Smith was over 6 feet tall. How tall was the basement prison at Liberty jail?
12. There were times upon being fed in Liberty Jail, the brethren got violently sick and almost died. What caused this?
13. Who were the men who ended up in Liberty Jail (not all the same 5 as were first captured)?
14. What were the factors that helped them survive? (this is open to discussion but there were some very interesting less well known facts)
15. Some Mormons called Liberty The "________ _________" because of the revelations that were given during this time.
16. What D&C revelations were giving during this time period?
Questions still wanting to know:
1. Did Joseph and others willingly surrender to General Samuel Lucas, or was he tricked and captured? I have read both ways but I tend to believe that on Nov 1st, 1838 he was tricked by George Hinkle being told that Samuel Lucas wanted to work out a truce with the Mormons so 5 brethren went with him to discuss this but then was captured with the intent to execute them. Governor Boggs had just given his extermination order so killing a mormon would have been OK in there eyes.
Jeffry R Holland. Titled, the Lessons from Liberty.
Parly P Pratt.
George W. Robinson.
Lyman Wight
Mormon War
Alexander Doniphan
Missouri Conflict:
Des News
George Hinkle
Liberty Jail
Amasa Lyman
Another thought about what people were expecting to see as the towns people had gathered to see the "mormon prophet".
ReplyDeleteThey had excpected to see some mighty man, perhaps some goliath. They were disappointed that Joseph seemed to be an ordinary man. The stories and lies told about him no doubt caused their minds to stir and be exaggerated making him out to be a beast or hardened criminal or with a face that was some kind of pied piper - where people would just follow him blindly. Although we feel he is no ordinary man in spiritual and perhaps physical terms, thats why it has been hard to pin Joseph down.