Tuesday, September 17, 2013



Dear Shine

Shame on me for taking so long to Blog.  Much has happened.  Yesterday I taught Em's class on Left Side/Right Side and becoming more like the Savior.  I felt the spirit and the kids seem to respond well.  Roman, whom we have been fellowshipping came to class, was there as well.   We love Roman and appreciate some of the challenges he and his family are going through.  Went to Visit Brother Burke last evening at Stone Henge.  HE is a good soul and we hope he can get out soon.  He looks better.  Roman came with us as they are neighbors.

AFterward we came home and watched for Sunday night FHE, The story of Emma Smith.   It was well done and Em and MIke have never seen it before.  I stopped the movie several times of course to expound my much needed wisdom.  They were fascinating by the polygamy factor of Joseph and Emma.  They really never understood that Joseph and had 30 plus wives and I would rather have me as a parent tell them whom they can trust than an anti-mormon.

I played racquetball this morning and Angie Hill smacked me in the upper nose accidentally with her racquet.  It was my fault as I ran into the racquet.  She sure felt bad but assured her is my mistake.  I"m going in a few minutes to get stitches.

Conference was wonderful a few weeks ago.  One of the best ever.  I did go Duck hunting with Dave Stanworth and POrter and my brother Dale.  Worked all night putting up dekes and shuttling people.   I was so tired and worn out.  It was good for me though.  

I have been working hard on Jesse N's Power POint presentation for Dec 2nd.  I was supposed to go down to Arizona for the Board meeting they invited me to but Joseph Fielding McConkie passed away in our Ward and went to that instead.  It was a very hard decision.  I met Apostle Elder Ballard.  When I mentioned I was a descendent of Jesse N's and Alma and Israel Heatons nephew, he was delighted.

Got to get some stitches so I will catch up later.



AFter my usuall morning racquetball, ran errands and then took the dogs out training.  First time Belle has been out in awhile.  She was so sore when we got home.  She was walking very tenderly.

Pups are sure getting cuter and cuter.


Gave powerpoint presentation for sunday school class on the Bldg up of Nauvoo.  i wont do it every time but it was fun and the kids seem to respond.

I bore my testimony and share a Jessie N smith experience.  Sister Ford came up afterward and complimented me and said thanks for getting us going with the missionary zeal.

Michelle and Sophie are staying with us a few days.  they fly out Tuesday to meet up with Charlie in HOuston.  We have so enjoyed having them here.  Sophie really loves the puppies.


Took a family out huting for there very first time.  It was a special program for the fish and game.  Help little 9 year old Blair shoot her first pheasant.  She was so happy.  Earlier she was crying because she missed an easy one and dad got on her a bit.

Also helped the Son Braxton as well.

Very nice family.

Andy brought over some college class friends that evening and spent about 1.5 hours discussing my business.  I think I gave way more info than they wanted.

09.27/13   Took Sherwin williams group out hunting.   Very frustrating.  Snowed a wet sleet snow and then wind blew. Shut the birds and the dogs down.  It was a real bummer.

For angie's and I date we stayed and watch Once upon a time series.


Went to Randall Ellsworth wedding reception.  He found a beautiful wife.  hopefully my 3 boys will get going on the dating thing and marriage thing soon.

Had our first ever Parents meeting for Band.  Had about 15 parents support the cause.


Enjoyed the boys or scouts.  They planned a meal for the parents were going to have in a month.


Had a fun day taking my Dad out plinking with guns.  Paul Allen used my membership to get into wasatch wing and clay.  It was enjoyable being with Dad seeing him shoot his old 22.


Here is my first official "diary" type blog post.  Had a great day with Tim Larsen grouse hunting.   The man knows how to hunt although I did luck out and get 2 and he got a goose egg.   Just wasn't his day. Not that he missed, they were all hiding somewhere  up there.  Walt and Daisy sure worked hard.  I bet they ran 15 miles today.   They were pooped.

We stopped and had a midafternoon lunch at Daniels summit lodge.   Tim sure enjoyed his mushroom hamburger.  

Had a great chat about stuff, just plain man stuff.  WE both agree about how "downhill" our government is going.  Especially in regards to fiscal responsibility.  I suggested that our politican pay and benefits be tied to what the average salary of the common worker in America.  When the common workers does better than our legislatures get a raise, when it goes down, theirs down.  Instead they get to give themselves raises and a great pension and health benefits for life while the common man suffers.  Someday, they will get their come uppance.

Tim did pay me a nice compliment which made me feel good.  He's looking forward to going Caribou Hunting next week in Canada.  I was supposed to go with the group but changed to save some money to take care of the "tax" bill were going to get undeservedly.


had a great time yesterday working with Charlie trimming his tree just east of his house in Provo.  It was a little dangerous but fun to work with my son.  We had to be careful working next to the neighborss because one of the big tree branches fell down and bounced over towards the next door house and if Charlie hadn't been smart enough to put a ladder to block it, it may have broken a window or put a good hole in the siding.  We just looked at each other with a WOW look.

Had 11 year old scouts and we discussed Cyberbullying and the Buddy System.  We have 2 new boys, Sean Hill and Seth Kuhni.  Great boys.  My feelings are tender toward SEth because he has Cycstic Fibrosis but wants to be treated like the other boys.  It may have made him a little quite and reserved.  I will never forget Elder Packer on my mission who had Cystic Fibrosis who passed away just after his mission but he wanted to go.  He wanted to serve the Lord.

THis morning played my usual racquetball land glad I finally am getting out of a slump.  I have figured out a some new levels of play.    Had breakfast with Jay and Rick Britton.  Talked hunting and NTWF banquet.  Rick came over afterward and we talked shop for another hour or so.

Had lunch with Mom and Dad.   Mom made yummy soup and a tomato sandwich.  It was so so good.

Did some bids today as well.  Anxious to jump back in and study and share learning about Jessie N Smith and the Missouri persecution period.

ALSO.  found this video of me and my boys singing. the Star Spangled Banner at last Saturdays Silver Beaver Award Ceremony.




on 09/20 Took Bret, Gary, Gary, Mike out shooting quail and chukar at WW&C.  Of course, I'm not hunting the birds but using my dogs.  These guys are great shots and are very kind.  Paid me to much tip so I took them out to lunch the at Seans Barbecue.  The only downside is that Walt and Mick (son,father) are not getting along and haven't been for sometime.  But, I wanted to get Mick out and get some exercise.  I let Mick and Diasy hunt first and then put Mick away and hunted with Walt and Daisy.  Mick somehow got out and they immediately went after each other.  Fortunately I was right there and stopped it with the guys help.  I have been dealing with this for sometime now and although I love these dogs, i cant have this.

Went on a date with Angie.  Ate at a mexican restaurant and then went to go see "Austenland".  Cute.


Gave pups there first non "belle" meal with warm water soaked up dog food.   Not sure at first what solid food was but got the hang of it.

Helped Son Charlie move his stuff to a storage unit in the afternoon.  Andy, Tom, McKay, and friend Trent showed up with Em and Mike and Ang.  They have a great opportunity to work in Houston with my Nephew Mark..  They will do well.

09/22  I sure enjoy teaching the 11/12 year olds.  They are so attentive.  We discussed Liberty jail and the spirit was in attendance.  in fact, jacob, after the lesson was over said. Thanks Bro Heaton for a great lesson.  It made me feel good.  Its amazing how we still like to hear from these awesome young people that we respect them so much that a compliment even though less experienced means something.  "and a little child shall lead them" AND "out of small things, great things will happen.

had everyone over for sunday evening dinner as usual.  Really enjoyed Dad and mom telling stories of there growing up.  Dad shared his "hill cumorah pageant" funny and his "shooting the cougar" funny.  Mom told about growing up on the farm and driving the tractor through a fence because she didn't know how to stop it.  She thought grandpa was going to give her a whipping but he was nice about it.  Dad told about a girl she was dating right before she married mom but couldn't go through with it because she had such bad breath.  I hadn't heard that before.

Dad told about driving a team of horses from kanab to Alton as only a 7 year old with Andy Gibbons being 5 years old.  You do that now days, they throw you jail for that.  Then to top it all off, they had picked up a hitch hiker.  Dad said it was a 45 miles.  I have closer to 40 but still.  That would take ALL day and possibly even then some.

09/23  Today.  Should report on our honey sales.  had a poor honey crop again this year but thank good ness for wholesaling it, it helps.  I have bought quite a bit from Roger Stevenson from Delta.   I dont think I will buy more bees until we get more rains going. But thats tough as well.  You just never know.

Played racquetball this morning.  Looking forward to do more religious and ancestral journals research.

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