Monday, September 23, 2013

ON Money and possessions

I loved this video.  I have been thinking about all the guns I have been selling lately and how possibly in a way they have become some God to me.  Hopefully they have become more of an investment or feeling of safety.  But they have become helpful to sell when we need a little extra cash.  I have had no problem departing with them but hopefully they haven't become part of my soul as anything shouldn't be except.

God & Family

Everything should be put in there proper place.  Since I love running and training my dogs, I find myself asking what is the correct amount of time?  How can I use them to bring joy to peoples lives and bring the gospel to people.

1.  I have helped many youth have an outdoor experience.  All animals are for the use of man if used properly.  In a way hunters and fisherman are held to a higher accountability because we do take a life, thus we should ingest that life within us to appreciate that life.  We can mount and display an animals essence to appreciate its beauty and the wonder of Gods creations.

2.  When going to dog trials, I want to act in accordance of the gospel to set an example.  I feel I fail in some respect but they know I don't run on Sundays.  Its because of this that some feel its unfair because I don't take my turn to judge or be an active part of the committee.

Its unfortunate that money becomes to important in our economic daily living.  I have often wondered if I could live in the United Order as my many of ancestors have.  I know I could.  Ang and I could give up everything right now and work to share everything.  Its easy to say huh!.  Actual reality would be harder.  But the great examples of those who have gone before can give us hope that it is possible.

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